'Just a short back and sides today I think, Blackadder'. Or maybe my 20 WEEK SCAN. FFS.
So I admit I went into stroppy teenage mode and said 'I don't know' and it just got worse from there. Got to love a medical professional with no bedside manner. Silly moo.

The continuing saga of the 'Extreme Snow' pretty much blighted the run up to Christmas. Christmas shopping involved risking life and limbs at the shops or hanging around your front window, biting your nails wondering if your Amazon order was going to turn up on time. Of course it all turned out okay in the end.
Christmas was pretty quiet. The family dropped around for a while which was lovely but not long after they'd gone I started to feel pretty unwell. By 8pm I was vomiting legendary amounts. As usual with sickness bugs, I felt amazing for the next 2 hours before the build up to the next bout began. Luckily I was sick just once more at midnight. I'm a dab hand at puking these days so that didn't bother me nearly as much as it would have done a year ago. But I did worry about the effect on the baby and I had no appetite and no energy for a few days. That's what I get for assuring Dro on Christmas morning that I was 'done with vomiting'.
We are beginning to accumulate baby stuff now. D bought the baby a Christmas present of a wee outfit. Awwww. And C has given us lots of clothes I need to go through. I met H for lunch today and she said I could go round one evening and have my pick of some things she's happy to give away so I'm really excited about that. Don't suppose she has an oceanic plane mobile though.
Today I bought some quite expensive wool to make a small blanket. This is as much as my crocheting skills will allow and even then I am really pushing it. No mummy made booties for this child :( I will update on progress or lack thereof.
- We bought a LUDICROUSLY huge Christmas tree on line by mistake. It's supposed to be 6 foot tall but is, in fact, more like 6 foot wide. If we already had the baby, we could lose it for days in there.
- The perception of time when sober at the work Christmas lunch might be (is) different than the time experienced when drunk at the work Christmas lunch.
- my weight today is 9 stone and 12.25 pounds. This is still 11.25 pounds less than my pre-weightwatchers weight in 2008. Just love watching the scales edge up the way again after all that hard work.