Squirrel Baby

Squirrel Baby
It was all she had

Saturday, 4 December 2010

"We're stuck in a bloody snow globe!"

There has been thick snow on the ground for 8 days now. The most snow there has been in Edinburgh for 50 years. There must be 30-40cm lying outside which is A LOT for us. We think 5cm is something to spend every waking minute thinking about. There was a good deal of snow last weekend and I had a stinking cold and was not impressed that I couldn't go out and play in it. On Sunday night it snowed the biggest amount and I had to venture out to work on Monday. I have never seen so much of the stuff in suburbia. I ended up walking the nearly 3 miles to work and it was lots of fun but took 80minutes when it usually takes 50. And I was absolutely exhausted afterwards.
That first day wasn't dangerous underfoot because it was all fresh snow. The biggest risk was not knowing where the kerb was under it all. But in the days after, as it got trampled down, I started to get seriously worried about Squirrel Baby. D had to walk me home from the shops on Tuesday and met me outside work on Wednesday. I'm convinced I'm going to fall getting to or from work. AND because of my funny blood, if I fall and don't manage to damage SB, then I still have to have an injection in case there's any bleeding inside.

Once at work, there was still no respite from the snow. I was dealing with its consequences all day every day I was in. Writing messages for staff about the snow and whether they were allowed time off for not getting in, thanking those who did get in etc etc.

I was off work on Thurs and Fri luckily. Usually those days off are for Christmas shopping or getting deliveries. But none of my deliveries turned up. I got a serious case of cabin fever.

So we ventured out today into town. I got stud things for my shoes and then we headed to Brunstfield and had lunch there. (Weight today - 9st, 9.5 pounds) As a treat, I had my first full fat, full caffeine cola since 23 August (sorry SB). It was out a bottle and not draft and the best thing I have ever tasted. Then we walked home. It took twice as long as usual. Another 80 min walk. But that's what I need. SB needs fresh air and exercise and so do I. It was freeeeezing and we counted and named at least 6 different types of snow. Most prevalent - sand snow and falsandsnow (snow that looks like sand snow, and you think you'll sink into it but you don't - hehehehehe). Yup - we are chumps.
So I have a week of fear and trepidation ahead of me. Colleagues are fed up of me whining on about it because, baby or no, no one wants to risk limbs just trying to get to work. Normally in Edinburgh, it snows for two days max, then it rains and it all melts. Not this time folks. We have 12 more days of freeeeezing weather forecast. My sinuses have taken against me and my head hurts, and more recently my teeth. C has emailed me to say 'YOU SHOULD NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE FOR 2 WEEKS BECAUSE YOU ARE PREGNANT AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE YOU ARE RHESUS NEGATIVE'. Arrghhhh. The roads and pavements are only going to get worse. Soon there will be 'cobbled' ice everywhere. I'm doomed. DOOMED.

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