After a scary day of pain and a lot of sickness a week past Monday, we went for the scan on 12 October and everything looks fine. The baby wouldn't stretch out so I had to do a lot of fairly violent jumping up and down and bashing my backside off the bed to get it to move. But it must take after its parents - it wasn't for moving at all. I had to go for a pee to encourage it to shift (though in the end it was more bashing around that did the trick). So it was measured at 49mm. And we're not calling it 'it' anymore. We'll go with 'he'. Not that I secretly think he's a 'he' and when I think about it unguarded, he's always a 'she'. So 'he' in public seems fair.

So since then, I've been sick just once, on Thursday. Although on Wednesday I came as close as I ever have to puking in public in Holyrood Park on the way to work. I even had my hair held back in preparation.

We've been off work this week and we got our carpet fitted upstairs. It looks like a proper grown up house now and the spare room is beginning to look like a nursery. D set it up with a nice chair and a nursing pillow. Awww.
Other than that, I've mainly used the time to sleep and feel nauseous. So much sleep - when will it ever end? But D has been very busy - going to the shops, getting rid of junk at the tip, tidying his clothes away even. It's the dawning of a new age.
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