Squirrel Baby

Squirrel Baby
It was all she had

Saturday, 11 June 2011

The eyes have it

The boy is asleep! And has been for nearly 3 hours! Unheard of during the day, well in the last 3 weeks anyway.

Today I went into town without Samuel to get my eyes checked. They have changed since I was pregnant and again since giving birth. This child bearing business is so all encompassing. No one tells you all the things that it affects. I'm thinking of preparing a sex education course and, believe me, it would be the most effective contraceptive ever. I could go on at great length about the true horrors of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood as well as the minor irritation of needing a new contact lens prescription. But really, who'd have thought it would affect my bloomin' eyes. It just never ends.
Anyway, I've had quite a busy week. I had my first time apart from Samuel on Tuesday morning. I had an appointment with a dermatologist (can't blame that on Sam) and then I went into town and bought a new coat and a bag. But I still rushed home by 11am as I felt guilty about leaving him. That afternoon we went on a 'buggy walk' which is just a community initiative to provide something for new mums to do. There were 5 people there and it was nice although the walk was only 20mins. I wonder if anyone will turn up next week. All the other babies were much older than Samuel - at least a few months. It made me wonder if I was giving myself too hard a time about how well I'm coping. There I am joining community groups when he's only 5 weeks old and at the same time feeling that I'm not coping. On Wednesday we took a bus into town to meet women from my NCT course. While I took him in the sling and not in the buggy, I was feeling pretty proud of myself. Again, at 5 weeks that's not bad, surely?

The weather is really getting me down. It has rained and rained this week. On the way back from the buggy walk I got caught in a mega thunder storm with hailstones. But I was on such good form, I didn't even mind at all (it helped that I was close to home). I even smiled through it.
The next day I had Sam in the sling so I was able to use an umbrella and wasn't too fussed. However, the following 2 days I got soaked and, worse, so did my washing which I'd spent ages hanging up in the garden. Grrrr. My good-natured, earth mother acceptance of the crap weather has therefore worn off.
In other news, our car is kaput. D tried to start it this morning and it just made a funny noise. Something to do with a spark plug but the AA refused to try to fix it in case they made it worse and became liable for it. So it's been taken to the place we bought it. So obviously, that's a bit annoying but it's worse cos we'd planned to go to my parents tomorrow with D taking his bike so he could go out for a ride in the Pentlands. We will likely still go but in a taxi. I just hope the car is fixable and not too expensive. Just what we need.

There's loads of other stuff to report that I've not mentioned. But most of it is dull and vomit or poo related. The only real piece of interesting news is that Samuel has a baby cousin Erin as of yesterday. We can't wait to meet her!

And seeing as I now need to lose weight I should continue to admit to what the scales are saying. Today I am 9 stone 11 pounds.

And he's STILL asleep.....