Squirrel Baby

Squirrel Baby
It was all she had

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The new man in charge

He's here! Samuel arrived at 2.17am on Friday 6 May with the maximum of fuss. Good job I wasn't stranded on an island or we'd both be dead quite frankly. Poor wee soul had been break dancing on his head in the womb and had gone back to back and got the cord round his neck twice. As soon as I was in triage and assessment (after an hour on my hands and knees in agony in the waiting room), I was on a trolley in acute pain and didn't move off a bed until the following Saturday morning. I refused drugs except for gas and air and hypnobirthing went right out the window. The midwife was getting frustrated with me for not taking the diamorphine but I kept thinking 'I'll just get through this next contraction and then I might have drugs'. I so didn't want a drugged baby. But in the end things got very dangerous and I was rushed for a c section under general anesthetic. Unfortunately they couldn't intubate me so couldn't continue with the section under GA. Luckily, Samuel's heart rate improved and they did a section with an epidural after all. And it was a text book section and Sam was perfect when he came out - 9 on the AGPAR score. 8 pounds exactly. He had a ridge on his head from where he was trying to push himself out the wrong way. But that went after a day or so.
And now a whole new chapter begins. Wonder if I'll ever have the chance to blog any of it.

Sunday, 1 May 2011


Officially late now. But I knew I was going to have a May baby. It's only really today that I've felt like I was ready for the baby to come. So I will start doing all the hypnobirthing visualisations for bringing on labour. The house still isn't perfect but it's good enough and I want to use the time now doing everything to prevent being induced. I know some women at my stage are gagging to be induced but I'm really against it. I'll be offered a membrane sweep at the midwife on Wednesday but, unless something unexpected happens, I'll be saying, 'no thanks'.

Today I did a very silly thing. I spent £25 on 5 metres of self adhesive velcro. Yup. That's what B&Q were charging. Because we were spending so much, I didn't really question the price til we got home. We are using it to attach a travel black-out curtain to our window frames. The baby will sleep in both our room and its own room on a daily basis so I want to be able to put both rooms into total black-out darkness. But 5m was only enough to do one window and then it dawned on me that the whole job would cost £50 just in velcro. Onto the internet and, of course, it should only have cost me about £8. B&Q - SHAME ON YOU!

And just this second I've got a text from an NCT mum to say her baby arrived today - on her due date. Everyone I know is going to beat me to it. Women who've already had their babies - bah!

I've been trying to do a Lost re-watch of Season 2 recently but I have to confess that Dexter has been getting in the way. I started S1 months ago and couldn't quite get into it. It's so morally dubious. But with all the spare time and ironing I had since starting maternity leave, I've quickly got to the end of S2. Frank Lundy temporarily filled the Frank Lapidus shaped hole in my life. Now I have a Frank Lundy shaped hole in my life. This baby needs to come so I can have a real life again.
Weight - 11 stone, 10 pounds. Phew - at least not gaining rapidly. Pregnancy app fruit/veg obsession = pumpkin. Roll on midnight.